Welcome to my creative world
I tell stories using the beguiling beauty of glass and I am on a personal mission to share my love of stained glass to help ensure its survival. The changing quality of natural light passing through my windows reflects my love of the changing seasons. My artistic quest continues as I learn from each new piece of work I produce and by studying other artist’s creations. I work to commission and I produce stained glass artworks for exhibitions.
To keep the skill alive I teach stained glass classes from my garden studio in Surrey and students use the same beautiful glass that I use. The glorious colours of mouth-blown glass are the starting point for all my creations.
For the latest from my studio you can follow me on Instagram rachelmulliganstainedglass
I work in the tradition of the Arts and Crafts. I am inspired by quirky medieval art, nature and the changing seasons.
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Visit my portfolio to see the range of original artwork and commissions that I have created in stained glass over the last twenty-plus years.
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Welcome to my garden studio in Surrey where I design, create and teach. Here are my illustrations of the Stained Glass Process.
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Sharing my skills and helping to keep stained glass alive are important to me. I offer Master Classes and Tasters from my working studio.
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All the latest news and updates from the Studio

Stepping Up
How do you deal with gloom? Whether it is the nights drawing in or the agonising news from around the world or the pile of saucepans that won't clean themselves? For me the antidote is the radiant coloured light that is unique to stained glass. This week I have...

Room for Improvement
How endangered is stained glass? Personally, I have never been so busy, but is that because my work is getting better (which it is) or because there are less people offering what I can do? The old guard are getting, well, old (obviously I don't count myself in that...

Here to Stay!
I have been wondering why people are so generous towards me and keep giving me things. Not just their time and knowledge, but their old materials, tools and glass. It is true that I find it hard to say ‘no’ to people. One lady brought round boxes of coloured glass that I couldn’t use…

Summer Invitation to the Studio
When you are feeling endangered what do you do? Look to the past? Look to the future? Focus on the present? I have been been doing all of those since the skills needed to make traditional stained glass windows have been officially added to the Red List of Endangered...
Visit the shop to buy greetings cards and original linocuts of my work.
The Studio
1 Furze Lane
All content copyright © 2020 Rachel Mulligan Stained Glass | Website by Windmill