
Winter Update from the Studio

Winter Update from the Studio

Welcome to my winter newsletter. December already - how did that happen? As I try and squeeze more hours into each day, I realise it is only a week till our Glass Easel Christmas Bazaar. This year there will be glass by six artists in the studio and dojo here so do...

Nursing Life triptych for RCN

Nursing Life triptych for RCN

The Royal College of Nursing in Cavindish Square, London, are hosting an exhibition exploring the emotions of nursing. It opens on 25th January and is called Who Cares? My latest artwork forms the centre piece of the exhibition. Back in October 2018 I was approached...

Glass Shopping

Glass Shopping

Antique glass is eye-wateringly expensive. But in my opinion it is worth every penny, which is why I use it when teaching. If beginners are exposed to mouth-blown glass they will fall in love with it too.
Read more about my visit to Lamberts Glass in Germany …

London Calling…

London Calling…

For me there is nothing more mesmerizing than the night view of St Paul’s Cathedral from the Thames. It rises, majestic and mysterious, above the river. Pinpoints of light from the buildings in the City of London are reflected in the grand sweep of the Thames. Even on...

Spirits Holding Hands

Spirits Holding Hands

I had the pleasure of visiting Caroline and Tony Benyon's studio recently to see the new window they have made for the OBE chapel in St Paul's Cathedral. I spent three hours sketching the beautifully painted glass and learning how it had been made. Most of the glass...



I remember sharing a bedroom with my younger brother and sister when we were very young. On the wall was a poster of Bruegel’s Children’s Games. We used to talk about which child we were. My sister was the little girl in white with the blue headscarf and I was the one looking after her.

Dragon Dojo

Dragon Dojo

Everyone should have a room of one’s own, Virginia Woolf said. So back in 2014 we built an outdoor Dojo for my husband, James, to practice his Tai Chi in and to store his large collection of practice weapons – swords, spears, staffs and guandao (an alarming spear with a curved blade on one end).

Venues for Seven Ages

Venues for Seven Ages

The Seven Ages of Man took the best part of two years to create, and now I'm hoping for my signature panels to reach a wider audience. They were first exhibited last year at Strawberry Hill House in Twickenham, a wonderful Gothic castle built in the 1700's...

Master Class

Master Class

I am a great believer in learning from other artists. When you copy an artwork (or shall we say translate it?) you absorb many lessons that you just don't get from copying a photograph. This is the panel a student made at my studio based on Tamara De...

The Studio
1 Furze Lane

All content copyright © 2020 Rachel Mulligan Stained Glass | Website by Windmill